The Konilo system has grown considerably over the last six months. In the 2023.10 release, the system consisted of 554 blocks, with a default block store of 4096, for a 13.5% usage rate. The work-in-progress 2024.04 block store has increase to 13,312 (to make it easier to sync w/my personal block set), and there are now (as of 2024.03.11) 2,386 blocks used, or 17.9%. I expect the total block usage to be between 2,500 and 3,000 blocks in the final release. In my personal block set, I have 65,536 blocks. I'm using 3,476 of these for non-temporary code & data, for a usage of 5.3%. (I exclude temporary data here as that varies significantly as work on various experiments progress.) Outside of the blocks, the system has become smaller. The memory use of the standard system is now 8,462 cells, down from 9,711. And a barebones system is now 2,531 cells, down from 3,645. I'm pretty happy with the progress. Much of the growth in the blocks is documentation. The new hypertext manual makes adding additional information easier. There are also notable increases in the number of examples and loadable extensions. Future Direction: At this point I don't feel any pull to make changes to the ilo.rom. The blocks will continue to grow as I complete more documentation and add new examples.